Convict Cichlids are very easy to care for, but that does not mean that they can be neglected. Actually, let me rephrase that; They are easy, as long as you do not have a male and female. They breed like crazy. I have heard before that you could just add water to the breeding pair and they will spawn. That is actually not too far from the truth, except they do need quite a bit of space to be comfortable. A twenty gallon would suit one breeding pair swimmingly. I would not keep other fish with them though. They are very, very aggressive even toward larger fish. Convicts will chase down, attack, and kill smaller fish. This also makes them very protective parents. Unlike guppies, who eat their young, Convict Cichlids vigorously defend the fry. The parents will kill other community fish that try to invade their territory. They also help teach the little ones how to swim. They are officially the ultimate parents in the fish world.